Extra Books & Links for our Free 120 Hour TEFL Course
Below you will find a copy of all the extra course books and web links that relate to, and can be found in our Free 120 Hour TEFL Course. These are already inserted as 'live links' in our normal downloadable course book, however, some copies of the course book do not have these links (Edition 2 - Amazon). If you have a copy of the course book that does not have these links inserted into the relevant modules, you may also visit our 'Courses' tab, and re-download the book free, in order to get a copy of the course book, containing all the info below, already inserted into the relevant modules.
The books and links are divided up into the relevant modules, relating to our course book. |
Free Resources for All Teachers
Nothing beats a helping hand when it comes to finding books, audio books, lesson plans, worksheets, links and other materials.
We think you will find the following club is one of the best resources to find almost anything related to teaching English. They have an amazing 'links' page in their 'Members Area' that will take you to some of the most useful English teachers sites online. There are also lots of great videos on teaching in the classroom. Our friends in Thailand run the Thailand Teachers Club (TTC). This club is 100% free to join and it's members get a ton of stuff for nothing. It doesn't matter if you teach in Thailand or not, as many of the resources are useful to anyone that teaches English in the world today. Their friends at Freebiemaster provide them with a constant flow of free items found on the web, so you will never be short of material again! We highly recommend their club. It will help any teacher of English, time and time again! Click their logo on the right to visit their club info page. |