Exam Collection & Return 'Drop Box'
You will find your exam document below. Simply download and save it to your computer
We allow a full 48 hours to complete and return the exam The exam document was created and saved in your name, as a MS Word Doc. All you need to do is to complete the exam, saving it as you finish each module, then drag and drop the final saved file into the drop box below, and we will collect it at this end. You can also click the link in the box below to select the file from your computer. Once the completed exam has been returned, please allow us up to 48 hours to mark, grade and confirm the results. If you have obtained the necessary pass grade (A, B or C), we will send you the certificate by registered post, to the address you gave on on your exam registration form. If you have any other questions, you may email us at: [email protected] Download Area
You will find your downloadable exam, below.
You have 48 hours to download it, before it is deleted from this page
The TEFL University Student Drop-Box
The 'Drop-Box' is simple to use!
All you have to do is to either 'drag an drop' your completed exam file into the drop-box area, or select and upload your exam file to it. Once you have dragged your file into the box, or manually selected and uploaded it, simply click the UPLOAD button and we will receive the exam document straight away. Click the Link Below to visit the Drop-Box Page: Click Here to Open the Drop-Box
The TEFL University