The Free 120 Hour TEFL Course Book
You will find the download links below.
The course book has been created in several formats to suit your equipment viewing requirements (PDF, Microsoft Word, ePub, Mobi) Note: Some of the links in the book may have become defunct, however, if you check our 'Free Resources' page in the menu above, you may find replacement links for each of the modules in the book. Download ALL book format's in one easy zipped file below:
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About the Course
We provide a full 120 hour, Internationally recognized and accredited TEFL course (Teaching English As A Foreign Language). It covers all aspects of teaching EFL (English As A Foreign Language), in any environment.
Students download the course book and can take their own time to study all of its modules. After that, if they wish, they can take our exam and become a certified ESL teacher! Course Exam and Certification
After you have fully studied the course, should you wish to take our exam and become a TEFL certified ESL teacher, please click here and follow the instructions on the right side of our main '120 Hour Course' page.
If you should have any further questions, please feel free to use the 'Contact' tab in the menu above. |
The TEFL University |